David Kimmerle


“I am proud to say that I am not part of these statistics anymore and am sharing my story in hopes to inspire someone out there who can relate.

In 2007 I turned the big thirty, oh the dreams I had, I was going to be rich with a family and a big house, but when I opened my eyes the morning of, I was broke, unhealthy, alone and losing my house. I could not find a job to save my life and was falling further and further into debt.

davidkimmerle-02There are only so many hours you can spend looking for a job that is not there. During the day to kill the pain of feeling like a complete loser I started sleeping in, drinking like a fish and eating everything in sight. I lost what makes a man feel like man; work.

My life became too much to bear, I found myself facing a desperate reality, about to snap, drinking no longer covering my pain, I became violent trying to make my hand hurt more than my heart.

A few months later the phone rang which started a chain reaction I never would have imagined in a million years.

Behind on my payments, the gym was calling to let me know they would forgive my past due bill giving me a fresh start. I hung up the phone and broke into tears; I was such a wreck, at that minute I knew this was my opportunity to make a change physically and mentally. I realized I needed to change the perception I had of myself and the perceptions I felt from others. I could take these unemployed hours and improve my health and physical appearance.

Extremely self conscious and embarrassed of my weight I wore a hoodie at the gym. Not really knowing what to do I ran a painful treadmill mile then did random exercises beating myself until I felt like my limbs were bleeding. I soon found out how angry, frustrated and hurt I really was.

For more than 50 days in a row after that, Mother’s day through Father’s day and usually twice a day I was in the gym self medicating. Wanting to expedite my results!! In the hours not in the gym and not looking for a job I spent my time reading about supplements and training.

Before I knew it I had stopped drinking and eating abundantly, I could run five miles and train with proper form. While I ran and trained, I spoke to myself and reminded myself every rep or step; saying or thinking, MOM, DAD, FAMILY, FRIENDS, FU*@…

When I wanted to stop or found myself becoming numb, anyone of those words would spark the fire within me to endure.

Fueling my efforts through supplementation and eating right the fat melted away; I was finally seeing results. Supplements, training and diet changed my entire physique and expedited my results packing on muscle and burning fat. I felt great and was less angry.

Nevertheless, five months later I was still unemployed and job hunting. To my surprise I received another very symbolic phone call; this time is was an ex-girlfriend inviting me to work for the day on a commercial as the male talent was a no show and the director needed someone now. Arriving at the job a couple hours later and finding myself $500 richer after completion I started envisioning the possibilities of making a career and money through fitness.

Scrambling in this new profession I found the cheapest photographer in town to shoot me then went from agency to agency only to be turned down or required to pay for representation; obviously not in my business plan.

Because I really wanted this new job I had created for myself to succeed, I trained extremely hard trying to build something I could sell however I couldn’t find anyone to sell it to. A little disheartened I decided to make a last ditch effort before I gave up and ignored the agencies advice to wait. I sent out pictures to everyone I could find in the industry, hitch hiked to the Olympia for networking and found a manager in LA.

That decision to control my own destiny was a good one.

In 2009 I landed several covers and commercials influencing me to move to L.A where there was more opportunity. I am now a full time fitness personality, sponsored athlete, cover model, actor, host and owner of several businesses.

I have to be honest; I was never presumptuous to think I could take a picture that would sell or that anyone cared about what I had to say. Basically the market crashing my world made me look at new ways to create revenue, if it had not I would still be doing what I like to do but not what I was meant to do.

Acknowledging that I needed to stay under the umbrella of my skill set I looked at every possibility for employment, I found nothing. That is when I started to think outside the box about what I really love to do. I love construction, I enjoy building and planning and finishing a project but it was not my passion and there were no jobs available.

What would make David happy?

The answer became clear to me sometime during my training, I realized I was enjoying this new quality of life and I wanted to share it with the world. Ironically I was still building and constructing, it was just my body and mind.

I am not sure how many of you out there like your career or the image staring back at you in the mirror but if you find yourself unemployed or unhealthy, imagine the you of your dreams and go out and make it. It will not be easy; in fact it might be the hardest thing you have ever done.

Starting a new direction with employment or health means you will be out of your comfort zone and overwhelmed at times; money, time, aches and pains and above all stress.

Keep pursuing your dream, your new decisions will become habits and you will make what you imagined happen in your life.

Do not be discouraged as you find yourself in the beginning just making it, barely getting by or giving up all your wants just to take care of your needs. In the end your needs and wants will be provided because that is what happens when you do not give up and you follow your heart.

I am an example of doing what felt impossible, showing that it is possible.

I am not anymore special than the next person, really who am I?

I am just a small town construction worker who lost everything and when I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and take a new direction I found a new level of happiness.

This is my story and it will be different than yours. Anyone and everyone with faith, direction and endless effort can accomplish anything,

I know it is cliché and I feel funny even writing it.

I have not forgotten how I felt when others described what I felt like was impossible as being possible, but I changed my attitude and now I am screaming with the written word, IT IS!

My name is David Kimmerle and everyday I work to be a statistic in the success stories that are coming out of this great depression and health crisis.

Good to you all and thank you for your support.”



David’s TRAINING program

10×10 45 second rest Workout

Workout 1


Flat bench press barbell or dumbbell, incline bench flys cable or dumbbells, dips (perfect form)


V-bar cable push downs, standing tricep extensions (behind the neck), dumbbell straight bar reverse grip push-downs


I follow the 10 sets of 10 for this day, choose the weight and ab movement I can do 100 of total (with 20 seconds rest). Do the same exercise and only one exercise (this is my heavy day for abs).

Workout 2


Military press front, dumbbell side lateral raises, rear delt machine flys (I use cables or dumbbells bent over with back parallel to the ground)


Olympic barbell curl (stripping method: start with a weight I can’t do 10 of and drop weight to finish set), standing dumbbell curl (elbows at side not moving both hands curling at the same time), seated hammer dumbbell curl


I murder them with VERY heavy weights — Train them for 20 mins (sets of 30 mandatory!) 45 second rest.

Workout 3


Chin-ups (10 sets of 5 perfect form, 45 second rest), lat pulldown (cable or machine wide grip), Bent over dumbbell row, Hip extensions (45 degree with 25 pound weight on chest or chin — slow!)


Train abdominals for 20 min (pick my favorite workout or whatever is available and play the pain game).

Workout 4


Lunges (dumbbells at least 50-60lbs for twenty steps – I cut out some work on legs so do this heavy and correctly), leg extensions, leg curl machine (seated or lying down)


To burnout my legs and finish off my calves. This is strip set method, much like boxing, I start off the weight heaviest I can do for 3 min and drop it down over and over again (it’s kinda like a fist fight only with your calves). Do not stop.
Another program David suggest:

This is the workout anyone can take in the gym and feel confident they can do.

I kept it simple but still difficult for a beginner if you use the right amount of resistance.

If you are still new to the terms and exercises on the documents, please watch the videos, use the search button and get to know the site; I have easy to read content that will alleviate all your concerns.

Anything new is hard but with this simple plan you can feel confident enough to hang out in the weight room.

Below are two workouts that you can do in order up to 5 times a week, depending on your goal.


Add in 0 – 5 cardio sessions a week either in the morning on an empty stomach or after your training session depending on your goal.

2 of these cardio sessions could be HIIT High Intensity Interval Training

3 could be 50-60 minutes of steady state cardio; liss.



David’s DIET regime



David’s SUPPLEMENT regime


Glutamine 5g
Udo’s Oil
DHEA 25 mg
Vitamin C


Beta alanine 3g
Carnosine 250 mg


Digestive Enzyme
Vitamin C
Green (dried greens) drink


Digestive Enzyme
Glucomannan 1teaspoon


Vitamin C
Glutamine 5g
DHEA 25-50mg
Udo’s oil
Pm Vitamins (bodylogix)


Creatine ethyl ester 3-5g
L-carnitine 800mg
Bodylogix Pre-workout or similar pump – go get em drink
Bcaas 5g
Glutamin 5g


Creatine ethyl ester 3g
Beta alanine 3g
Carnosine 250mg
L-carnitine 800mg
Glutamine 5g

Digest Gold – take with the four largest meals of the day, 5 minutes prior to eating.


David’s CONTACT details and WEB links

  • david@davidkimmerle.com
  • davidkimmerle(Twitter)
  • davidkimmerle(Instagram)
  • davidkimmerle82(Skype)
  • shitandfallinit(Snapchat)
  • DAVID’s WEBSITE: http://kimmerleplan.com
  • Phone: +1 323-849-0427


David’s VIDEOS


David’s PHOTOS

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